贵州怀庄 | 酒包装设计

贵州怀庄酒核心品牌 · 淳品系列


    淳品有道 · 厚德怀庄
    怀庄酒业始建于1983年,“怀庄”牌商标注册于1986年,位于中国酒都·茅台镇。 怀庄酒沿袭历史传承,涵蓄赤水河之灵性,以优质高粱、 小麦为原料, 利用独特的自然环境, 秉承古法酱香酿造工艺精酿而成。 酿造出的基酒窖储时间久, 从生产、 贮存到出厂历时多年。
    怀庄淳品系列酒由贵州怀庄酒业(集团)有限责任公司酿酒大师精心酿造而成。 酱香突出,酒体醇和绵柔,口感厚重,回味悠长,空杯留香, 在此邀您一同品味真正的传世佳酿。
    Pure color feelings ,Drunken beauty HuaiZhuang
    Guizhou HuaiZhuang wine Industry (Group)Co.,Ltd. was founded in 1983. The trademark "HuaiZhuang" was registered in 1986. It is located in Maotai Town, the capital of Chinese liquor . Huaizhuang liquor follow the historical heritage, inherit the spirit of Chishui River, using high-quality sorghum and wheat as raw materas,use the unique natural environment and innerit the ancient Maotai-flavor brewing technology. The brewed base Liquor has been stored in cellar for a long time, It took many years from production, delivery to factory.
    HuaiZhuang chunpin series liquor is elaborately brewed by the winemakersof Guizhou HuaiZhuang(Group ) Co.,Ltd. With outstanding sauce flavor,mellow and soft body, the liquor has a thick taste and a lasting aftertaste. You are invited to taste the real liquor handed down from generation to generation.




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